Film Noir
Jonty Skrufff, Fidelity Kastrow and Helen Noir behind the decks, Miss King and the Kougars live on stage, with Dickie Beau, Miss Akimbo and Crystal Geisha hosting at Bar Music Hall and out on the streets of Shoreditch. Photos on Flickr.
Beneath Bethnal Green, an afternoon of cake and mayhem served up by Scottee, Chycca and The-O. Photos on Flickr.
Some pix from UNDERCONSTRUCTION at Bistrotheque on 23 October now up on Flickr. Enjoy.
Last night we went to the opening night of Jonny Woo’s International Woman of Mister E, followed by Lavinia Co-Op’s INSTALLATIONS INSTILETTOS as part of the UNDERCONSTRUCTION season at Bistrotheque. Didn’t take pix of Jonny’s performance, but Lavinia Co-op photos are on Flickr. Thx to Lisa as always!