Form 696 is a Bad Thing

The London police have apparently decided that Keeping Track of ‘Dangerous’ Music Scenes will be easier if they mandate the organisers of events to help them keep tabs on both performers and punters, via some new paperwork, Form 696. This is a Bad Thing, and smacks of past efforts to keep young people Firmly In Their Place when it comes to music and nightlife. We’re written about this in more detail over at BigShinyThing — have a read, check out some of the links (including petitions and FaceBook groups dedicated to stopping Form 696 in its tracks), and if you …

Eat Your Heart Out

Thursday 11 December — the first night of Scottee’s new performance showcase at the Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club. Pix here.


Lisa Lee and the crew return to the stage at Bistrotheque on Thursday November 4th, for a new season of performance works-in-progress. Click on the image above for a personal selection of my favourite photos from the last couple of seasons. Some nice images here, but they don’t do justice to the sheer diversity of acts, and the energy, enthusiasm and sheer brilliance of much of the work. For more on UNDERCONSTRUCTION, check their MySpace. You can find the rest of my pix from UNDERCONSTRUCTION over on Flickr. But most importantly, come along.

Buy A Better You, 21 August 2008

Two of the East London scene’s finest ventured sarf of the Thames for a one-night-only show at the RVT on Friday. Scottee performed his one-man show Buy A Better You, and Dickie Beau showcased some of his classic pieces. Pix here.

Dickie Beau Presents…

Dickie and his open clique took to the stage at the South Bank Centre’s Clore Ballroom on Friday 8th August, for a night of Oz-themed performance. Photos here.


Scottee and friends at the Hospital private members’ club. We got, er, lost. Pix on Flickr.