Lazlo Pearlman & Killpussy, A-Man-To-Pet, Helen Noir (with assistance from Nando Messias and Masumi Tipsy Saito (pictured)), Pia Arber, The German Ballet Group, Chris Dangerfield. Pix here.

Dalston Featured in L’uomo Vogue

October’s issue of L’uomo Vogue headlines Dalston as a place where THINGS really happen in the CITY (their caps). I’m not going to argue with that. Rather sweetly, they’ve chosen two of my photos from Superstore to illustrate their point [thanks Emanuele!]. The photos are from Hot Boy Dancing Spot’s pre-pre opening party and Helen Noir‘s night Film Noir.

Film Noir 21st August

Featuring Helen Noir and Ben Pistor downstairs, with A Man To Pet, Dickie Beau and Nando Messias upstairs, and a literally pop-up performance by Ms Noir. Pix here.

Film Noir at Dalston Superstore

The Film Noir crew took over both floors of the Superstore on the hottest Friday night of the year. Severino’s and Helen Noir’s back-to-back sets of take-no-prisoners, hands-in-the-air afterhours disco and electro set the basement on fire. Fabulous. Pix here.

Film Noir at Ghetto

Helen Noir and Philippos N downstairs, Dickie Beau, A Man To Pet, Ingenue St. John and Nando Messias upstairs. Pix here. We’re counting down the days to their Dalston Superstore takeover — July 3rd.