The dress-to-express fun of Scottee’s NANCY relocated to Vogue Fabrics for a night of medically-themed chaos…
Come its December 15th release date, you should be enjoying the cool tech of SAWF’s new EP So Let Me on Freshit Records. The sleeve art features one of my night shots from Shiodome in Tokyo, April this year.
Bourgeoise and Maurice take their special brand of social satire and glo-stick acid Morris dance to the Lillian Baylis Theatre at Sadler’s Wells for a Christmas run. Go see!
Scottee’s Eat Your Heart Out collective presents its new show at the RVT. I spent the afternoon shooting a run through, then the opening night. The run finishes December 3 — go! Photos here.
Lyall caught the pop-up bug, and themed Vogue Fabrics upstairs and down as The Royal Dalston Hotel for a limited season of performances and club nights. Last night, Scottee was taking confessions and secrets upstairs, whilst Jonny Woo (above) was mixing it up with Kurt Weill’s Pirate Jenny down in the basement. Some pix here…
The Gutterslut crew took over The Rhythm Factory for their second annual Slut Ball. Pix here.
I’ve been shooting Nando’s development of his performance piece Sissy — part of his practice-based PhD at the Central School of Speech and Drama — over the past year. This week, Nando has been performing the piece (with Biño Sauitzvy) at Central. Last Friday I shot the dress rehearsal for the current run. Pix here.
I think there’s a basic fascination in technology which derives from the fact that there’s always a hidden space–a control room, a projection booth, a source of light of some kind — from which the image comes. A painting on canvas, no matter how good it is, is to our eyes more or less flat, or at least flatter than the luminescent image of cinema, television, or the transparencies […] The luminescent image is fascinating because it’s lit with another atmosphere. So two atmospheres intersect to make the image. One of them, the hidden one, is more powerful than the …