Speaking of 100 Suns, what could be more then than a Viewmaster reel of 3D images of atomic tests? Coming soon at Atom Central. I only stumbled over this because I’m still hunting for the image that I hoped would be in 100 Suns — a Rapatronic photograph of a desert test that I hope I can find and post later, with some thoughts. Actually, I’m off to search the amazingly comprehensive The Bomb Project for it. This might take some time…
Not what I’m looking for, but: ‘The only source of light was that from the bomb’, more Rapitronic images from the good, morally-neutral people at Edgerton, Germeahausen and Grier, Inc. (EG&G) [Edgerton invented the strobe, who were the others?]:
archive.org has this one and probably more …